Q&A / 问答

I live far away from school. How do students commute? 我家里离学校远,学生通勤怎么解决?

Majority of the students use public transportations. The school does not organize transportations. Please reach out to CAPA for borough specific Wechat groups if you are interested in commuter buddies, explore carpools and other community based solutions.


What is the “bell schedule” for Hunter? 亨特的学校学校日常时间表是这样的

First period starts at 8:08 AM. If students do not have 9th period, class ends at 2:46PM. 9th period ends at 3:30PM.


Is Hunter’s School Calendar the same as DOE Calendar? 学校日常事务安排和纽约公校的安排一样吗?

The calendars are similar but not always the same. Hunter has its own “half days” and school holidays. Sometimes the first day of school and last day of school can differ by a few days.


Are there any placement tests for classes? 开学前有分班考试吗?

The Mathematics and Modern and Classical Language Departments have policies regarding the placement of students in advanced level courses. Consult the department chair for information regarding these policies. The Math Department policy is posted on the website. According to Hunter College High School’s handbook “The Umbrella” it states, “Seventh-grade orientation materials explain the process for selecting which foreign language to pursue and how to take placement exams in foreign languages and mathematics if the student expects an accelerated placement. Incoming 7th graders are also given an opportunity to audition for the music performance groups.”
